The Benefits Of Using A Mobile Asphalt Plant

Paving contractors of all sizes can benefit from investing in a mobile asphalt plant. These mobile asphalt mixing plants for sale are designed to be easily broken down and moved to a new location without a lot of fuss or expense. This means that they can be taken from one job to the next in a matter of days, allowing the contractor to move their asphalt production closer to the job that they are doing. This, in turn, can decrease the cost of transporting the asphalt over large distances or purchasing from a local supplier, minimizing the project’s overall cost while at the same time increasing profits.

Typically, each part of the plant is broken down and transported on a different semi-trailer. For instance, the hoppers may be loaded onto one trailer while the screen drum is loaded onto another. The third trailer may carry the weighing and mixing unit while a final trailer transports the bag filler and control cabin. Granted, this arrangement varies based on the manufacturer of the bitumen plant. However, for the most part, the basic concept is the same. Each individual component of the asphalt mixing plant is transported by truck to a new location.

mobile asphalt mixing plant

Unlike traditional asphalt mixing plants which are typically set on a concrete foundation, portable plants produced by modern portable asphalt plant manufacturers are designed to operate without a foundation. That means that they can be set up anywhere where there is room. Additionally, many mobile plants don’t require any heavy lifting equipment in order to set them up properly. This makes them extremely easy to install or dismantle.

In most cases, the average time required to set the plant up in a new location is approximately one week. That means that you can tear it down in the previous location, load it onto trucks, and be ready to produce more asphalt again within one to two weeks. Because there is very little downtime, you don’t have to worry about losing out on a lot of money while the plant is being transported.

As you can well imagine, these types of mixing plants provide a lot of versatility. Being able to take them with you wherever you go means that you can work on multiple job sites throughout the year. Likewise, if you want to move your entire base of operations to a new city, you don’t have to worry about purchasing a new plant. Instead, you can simply pack up your existing asphalt mix plant and move it to the new location. This allows you to base your operations out of whichever location is the most profitable at the moment.

When you consider all of the benefits of a mobile asphalt plant, it is easy to see that they are a smart investment. This is particularly true for contractors who do a lot of work in different locations. Rather than having to purchase asphalt from a local supplier, you can simply move your asphalt mixer plant to the new location and make it yourself, saving a lot of money in the process. This, in turn, can help you make more money for each project that you complete by providing larger profit margins.